Podcast: a story on cluttering
After my book was published I was interviewed by Daniele Rossi, owner of stutteringiscool.com and a passionate podcast producer who has thrown over 250 podcasts in the air on stuttering and related issues. Now cluttering is part of that, too. Daniele and I talked about how I discovered that I cluttered, how on earth it came about that cluttering was overlooked for decades, and how one can cope with it. Listen to this excellent podcast cluttering to learn more about my cluttering experience. Note that I just let the cluttering ‘flow’ and am not doing any efforts to control it. You can also hear me talking on many congresses and other occasions.
Podcast cluttering Stuttering Foundation
In 2024, I had the opportunity to join Sara MacIntyre, host of the Stuttering Foundation, for a conversation all about cluttering. We discussed my personal experience living with cluttering, the journey to receiving an accurate diagnosis, and the strategies that have helped me build confidence and improve my communication skills. I also shared my advocacy efforts to raise awareness and foster understanding of cluttering on a global scale. Additionally, we explored the key differences between stuttering and cluttering, and highlighted the significance of community support. Throughout the episode, you can hear me cluttering—breathing in, breathing out—it’s still a challenge at times, but that’s all part of the process.
Podcasts cluttering conversations
Cluttering Conversations is hosted by Kathleen Scaler Scott and Paula Thomson. The offer podcasts solely on cluttering and there is a Facebook group that you can join. Their podcasts are for both SLPs and non-SLPs to grow their knowledge of cluttering. Guests are a mix of people witch cluttering, scientist in the field and clinicians working with people who clutter.
Podcast in French: bredouillement
In this French podcast on cluttering, Judith, a speech-language pathologist, and Geneviève, an adult who stutters and a master’s student in speech therapy, welcome Pierre-Luc Racine—comedian, host of the popular podcast 3 Bières (three-time Olivier Award nominee!), and writer for URBANIA. Pierre-Luc generously shares his journey with cluttering, a speech variation often confused with stuttering.
It wasn’t until adulthood that Pierre-Luc Racine realized speech therapists could help with cluttering. Before that, he didn’t even know there was a word for what he was experiencing. Alongside his story, Judith explains the definition and diagnostic criteria for cluttering. We also discuss, among other things, what it’s like to be in the spotlight when your speech stands out, and the term “cluttering” itself—which we’d love to change!