Where we speak

We are on a mission. And that means that we are on tour! We cherish every opportunity to share the story on cluttering. That’s why we are there at all relevant international cluttering conferences. Also we give (online) lectures for students in speech-language pathology, workshops on (online) meetings for more experienced speech-language therapists. Want to book Rutger Wilhelm as a speaker? Contact us. 

September 15, 2024

Cluttering Royal College of Speech Language Therapists

Katowice, Poland

Honored to be invited for the 3rd time in Poland and provide one of the key note speeches on cluttering at a conference titled “Many Voices on Stuttering and Cluttering”. Next to the key note I will be part of a discussion panel and also be moderating a 2-hour workshop of one of my esteemed colleagues.

August 15-18, 2024

Cluttering 3rd world congress Katowice

Nottingham, UK

StammaFest Global 2024 in Nottingham is the location fo an inspiring and transformative experience, bringing together people who stammer from around the world. I have the privilege of giving a workshop on cluttering and stimulate meaningful discussions afterwards.

September 16-17, 2023

Cluttering 3rd world congress Katowice

Katowice, Poland

What an absolute great honor it is to do the opening key note speech at the Third World Conference on Cluttering! The cluttering conference will take place on September 16 and 17, 2023 at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The speech is titled: “The Story of Cluttering: Ready for Take-off“. It is time to enlargen the awareness of cluttering, so that the general public gets to know about it, too. Come and see!

September 1-3, 2023

Cluttering 3rd world congress Katowice

Bergen, Norway

Another privilege of giving a lecture at the Nordic seminar on stuttering and cluttering which will take place in beautiful Bergen. Together with Ciel Udjborg I will be talking about “cluttering across borders“.

April 20, 2023

Cluttering Royal College of Speech Language Therapists

London, United Kingdom (online)

We are so thankful to have been able to give an online lecture on cluttering for “SEALS CEN”, a group of speech and language therapists specialized in stammering and cluttering in the South East of England and London. The group promotes better education and training for their members, sets professional standards and facilitates research on a diverse range of fluency disorders. Participants had a 1-hour talk from Rutger Wilhelm, followed by an extensive Q&A session.

February 5, 2023

Cluttering at meeting of European Fluency Specialists (EFS)

Israël, online

Manon Spruit and Rutger Wilhelm have been invited to present a webinar on cluttering at Transcending Stuttering. The webinar is free to attend for everyone and is in English. Many speech therapists and experts by experience have found their way to this website.

January 13, 2023

Cluttering at StammaFest Global conference

München, Germany (online)

To start the year off, Rutger Wilhelm is giving an online lecture for speech therapy students from the University of Munich (Germany) and the University of Silesia (Poland). The lecture is called “Cluttering through the lens of an experienced expert” and takes place as part of an international research project amongst German and Polish students. The results will be presented in September ’23 at a congress in Katowice, Poland. Students can earn points for their studies through participation in the lectures.

December 12, 2022

Cluttering at meeting of European Fluency Specialists (EFS)


In november ’22 Rutger Wilhelm will be giving an online talk to speech-language therapists that are member of EU fluency specialists, an organization similar to the American Board of Fluency Disorders, only here participants are based in countries throughout Europe. The webinar will be titled ‘Cluttering: my story‘. Rutger Wilhelm speaks about how he discovered he cluttered and what impact that has had on his life, after years of searching for the right therapy.

Augustus 28, 2022

Cluttering at StammaFest Global conference

Liverpool, UK

In an hour session, speaker Rutger Wilhelm will give a lecture at this year’s STAMMAFest Global in Liverpool. The International Stuttering Association (ISAhas chosen this incredible venue. The title of the lecture will be: “Inspirational learnings from a cross-cultural group of people who clutter“. The name says it all; we will look at the experiences of people who clutter worldwide through a cultural lens.

May 29, 2022

Key note Cluttering at World Congres on Stuttering Montréal

Montréal, Canada

Every three years the International Fluency Association (IFA) together with the International Cluttering Association (ICA) and the International Stuttering Association (ISA) are organizing the Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering together. The JWCSC, for short, is a one-of-a-kind congress bringing together academics, researchers, speech-language pathologists, people who stutter, and people who clutter for dialogue and collaboration on current research, viewpoints, and treatments for stuttering and cluttering. Rutger Wilhelm is very proud to be giving 3 lectures during this conference, including one of the three KEY NOTE speeches, titled “The value of collaboration in advancing science in cluttering“!

May 28, 2022

Speech Cluttering at Joint World Congress in Montreal 2022

Montréal, Canada

Together with speech-language therapist Manon Spruit, Rutger Wilhelm will point out the importance of getting a correct diagnosis from different perspectives. Manon Spruit encounters many clients in her practice who were first diagnosed as people who stutter, but after (re)assessment, they should be diagnosed with cluttering. For people who clutter getting the correct diagnosis changes the perception of their own speech and themselves. Rutger Wilhelm will tell you what changed in his life when he found out he cluttered. Manon Spruit will share with the audience what knowledge is important to arrive at the correct diagnosis and what this means for treatment.

May 27, 2022

Cluttering at Joint World Congress in Montreal 2022

Montréal, Canada

On the first day of the congress in Montréal, Rutger Wilhelm will take the audience on a journey of discovery with his one-hour presentation. With various stories, examples and anecdotes from his personal life and the lives of other cluttering speakers, he addresses questions such as: What goes on in the minds of people who clutter? What problems do cluttering speakers encounter in their daily lives? What coping strategies are there? How can they (continue to) adopt a positive attitude? How can be dealt with cluttering mentally, emotionally and in interaction with others? The overall aim is to inspire and give tips on how to deal with this intriguing fluency disorder.

April 11, 2022

Cluttering at the Dutch Convention for Fluency Specialists

Utrecht, The Netherlands

During an in-depth study session for the Dutch Association for Stuttering Therapy Rutger Wilhelm will provide an extensive 2.5-hour workshop together with speech language therapist Manon Spruit. Our experiences will be the main focus, but we will also discuss current literature, articles and websites. The participants are also expected to do an assignment by which they can earn points for the training “European Clinical Specialization in Fluency Disorders” (ECSF). In short, an important and much-needed addition to the curriculum of many speech therapy courses.

March 18, 2022

Cluttering at Belgian Convention for Fluency Specialists (VVL)

Ghent, Belgium

What a great honor it is to be presenting at the conference of Flemish speech therapists in Ghent! The VVL conference offers a broad platform for scientific research, in which various parallel sessions have been put together taking into account the different areas of impairment in speech therapy: language development disorders, dyslexia and dyscalculia, stuttering and cluttering, neurogenic communication disorders, dysphagia, voice disorders and speech and hearing disorders. During our lecture to a well-filled room of stuttering therapists, Rutger Wilhelm brings a story ‘from the heart’. Central message for speech therapists: look beyond the boundaries of your knowledge and don’t just get stuck on the diagnosis of stuttering.

June 25, 2019

Cluttering at ISA World Congress in Iceland

Hveragerdi, Iceland

How wonderful it is to be giving no less than two (!) lectures at the ISA World Congress in Iceland, entitled “Embrace your stutter”. For an hour, Rutger Wilhelm talks about the fundamental difference between stuttering and cluttering in front of the audience, consisting of a colorful mix of researchers, therapists and people who stutter or clutter. He also discusses what you can do about it, how you can gain more insights about your speech and how people who clutter can maintain a positive mindset. Come and see!

Past lectures

Cluttering conference: various locations around the world

In the (recent) past Rutger Wilhelm has given many lectures at various occasions and places in the world. Live and online, for smaller and larger groups and on a variety of topics related to cluttering.

Want to book Rutger Wilhelm as a speaker for your (online) meeting? Get in touch! 

  • Passionate speaker

  • Easy to follow explanations and humor

  • Tailor-made content to fit for occasion and audience

  • Translation from theory to practice

  • Approach from multiple perspectives

International key note speaker Cluttering Rutger Wilhelm
Cluttering at International Fluency Association Congress Lisbon
  • HAN University of Applied Science, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2021

  • Utrecht University of Applied Science, The Netherlands, 2021

  • Windesheim, University of Applied Science, Almere, The Netherlands, 2021

  • Fontys University of Applied Science, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2021

  • Stuttering Weekend, Laarne, Belgium, 2020

  • Rotterdam, University of Applied Science, The Netherlands, 2019

  • University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, 2019

  • Adelphi University, New York, 2015

  • Congress International Fluency Association, Lisbon, 2015

  • Congress International Cluttering Association, Eindhoven, 2014