New board ICA
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle I would almost forget to post some nice news. Recently I (Rutger Wilhelm) have been chosen chair-elect of the International Cluttering Association. Wow. My involvement in ICA began at a conference in The Netherlands in 2014 and has not stopped since. I could not be more proud and thankful to be part of this great organization and group of people.
Chair-Elect ICA
As a clutterer I hope to be able to truly add something to the board in the years to come, for example by working together with fellow clutterers and supporting organizations to spread the word. Also I see great potential in helping bringing different worlds together, like researchers, lecturers, clinicians, people who clutter and those in their direct surroundings. I genuinely feel there is still so much to learn from each other; only by sticking our heads together and mutually sharing relevant information we could try and bridge the gaps that are still out there. This is exactly the reason why there is a section on my website about cluttering research (featuring some mastodons in the field) just to inform the readers that cluttering has not been unraveled for the full 100% yet.
Share the story of cluttering
This, therefor, is an invitation to everyone with an interest in cluttering to chip in and share their ideas, experiences, knowledge and insights for that one single purpose: to keep the discussion on cluttering alive, further develop our knowledge and enhancing treatment practices. Together we have something unique to offer!