Personal speech on cluttering

I am very happy and honored that I will be presenting at the Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering in Montréal next week. The aim of this presentation, titled “Our voyages of discovery and learnings from people who clutter around the globe” is to let the world know what it’s like to clutter and how this speech-language disorder can sometimes impact the lives of people who clutter tremendously. It is not only my story but that of thousands of people. So, this is where (parents of) people who clutter can come into play!

Questionnaire cluttering

As input for the presentation I created a short online questionnaire consisting of 9 open questions (for parents of people who clutter only 6). Are you a person who clutters? Or does your son or daughter clutter? Then you are kindly invited to fill in this questionnaire. You don’t necessarily need to answer every single one of them. Just choose the questions you prefer. Your answers will also (anonymously) be used in an article on cluttering.
Update May 2023:
The questionnaire on cluttering has been filled in until long after the conference. The input given will definitely benefit the cluttering community!